The text editor is called "Zed". The company that develops Zed is called "Zed Industries". Both of them should always be capitalized when referred to. At the moment, we don't have a wordmark logo for just the Zed app. We don't enforce a hard separation between the company and product branding.
The Zed logo and wordmark can be used in three colors: brand blue, full white, and full black. Ensure that you don't render them in any other colors or with distorted sizes or dimensions.

Full black (#000)

Brand blue (#084CCF)

Full white (#FFF)
The logomark has a variation that includes a slight gradient on the bottom right part of it. We don't enforce the use of one version over the other, meaning you can choose to use either of them as you wish, as long as you respect the color guidelines above.

App icon
Each version of the Zed app (stable and preview) has a different icon.